Sydney Study Visit Programme
Programme leaders:
Nadine Burquel, Director General, HUMANE
Alex Pellacani, Executive Committee Member HUMANE; Director General, University of Trento
Informal Welcome and Reception, including Acknowledgement of Country
Australian Catholic University (ACU) – Theme: Operational service transformation
Service transformation has been a key priority in higher education since the 2008 financial crisis; the recent pandemic has accelerated the pace for change and the need for different approaches to service delivery (including through digitalisation) and campus fixtures. Australian Catholic University has been at the forefront of transformations in multiple dimensions that focus on impact through empathy.
VENUE: Australian Catholic University (ACU), Peter Cosgrove Centre, Tenison Woods House, 8-20 Napier Street, North Sydney NSW 2060. This is on ACU’s North Sydney Campus. Google Maps
Introduction to the Programme and Welcome
Nadine Burquel; Stephen Weller, Chief Operating Officer
About Australian Catholic University
- History, mission, vision for the future
- Strategic priorities for the next 5-10 years
Stephen Weller, Chief Operating Officer
Global engagement
- Shaping a global engagement strategy
- Priorities, key drivers, leadership
- What has the pandemic changed?
Chris Riley, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Global & Education Pathways
Service Transformation – Unified approach to staff service delivery
- Evolution of “Service Central” as a single point of service for 13 service areas
Sharone Ciancio, Director, Service Delivery & Improvement
Business Process Transformation – Changing our ways of working
- Model, methods and tools for redesigning and improving processes and ways of working
Christina Pham and Nicole Van de Gard, Service Improvement Team
Campus Optimisation
A strategy to provide a clear identity for each campus and position them to be relevant and successful for ACU and the local community
Paul Campbell, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director, Campus Leadership
Panel – Service transformation for students in response to the pandemic
- Student Support Services
- Sports, Wellbeing and Residential Life services
- Student Administration services
Georgina Ledvinka, Director, Student Support Services; Paul McJannett, Director, Sport, Wellbeing and Residential Life; Kathy Vozella; Chief Marketing Officer
Moderator: Stephen Weller, Chief Operating Officer
Key take-aways from the day
Alex Pellacani
Break followed by North Sydney Campus Visit
Paul Campbell, Deputy Chief Operating Officer
End of visit and return to hotels
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) – Theme: Infrastructure development & delivery, strategy & practice
Universities often experience major challenges with infrastructure planning and delivery such as the need to:
- Link capital planning with the academic strategy in a context when third parties (research funders, teaching hospitals) can have a distorting effect on long term planning and investment
- Integrate physical and digital infrastructure planning and investment
- Balance investments to improve student-centered Teaching & Learning with drivers for research agendas (and research infrastructure)
UTS has implemented a massive infrastructure development programme over the past decade and is widely regarded as a leading institution in this regard. What has changed since the pandemic? Have priorities been redirected?
VENUE: University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Building 8, Platform 14/28 Ultimo Rd, Ultimo NSW 2007 Google Maps
Introduction & background: University of Technology Sydney
- Academic roots
- Contemporary mission
- Long term academic priorities and strategy
Megan Huisman, Director, University Portfolio Management
Global and local engagement: University of Technology Sydney
- Shaping the global and local engagement strategy
- Priorities, key drivers, leadership
- What has the pandemic changed?
Chris Turney, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research
Coffee break
Recent and future UTS innovations: digital and physical infrastructure
- Research infrastructure to support innovation
- Student-centered Teaching and Learning
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for digital service delivery
Phil George, Faculty of Engineering and IT Technology Manager
The architectural approach to the design of new collaborative classrooms and the impact on teaching methodology
- Redevelopment of the UTS City Campus
- Design approach
- New spaces – impact on staff and students
Nigel Oliver, Director of Property; Richard Francis-Jones, Design Director, fjcstudio
Integrating investment planning for physical and digital infrastructure & services: the strategic and operational levels
- Overcoming challenges
- Leadership: Bridging the different mindsets of estates and IT managers
David Reeve, Chief Information Officer
Key take-aways from the day
Alex Pellacani
Coffee break, then departure for thematic campus visit
End of visit and return to hotels
University of Sydney – Theme: Local and global engagement
The University of Sydney is Australia’s oldest and most globally engaged university. It has a large proportion of incoming international students and outgoing students, multiple global research partners, international industry/business partnerships. It collaborates selectively with the world’s best universities and participates in key international networks.
Unlocking the power of (global) partnerships is seen as vital for a collaborative research ecosystem with individual researchers, research centres, flagship multidisciplinary institutes, marketing & communications, the commercialisation team, funding bodies, industry partners, government, the community, etc. The global engagement strategy is designed to achieve maximum impact for research, creating the best conditions for researchers to find solutions to the world’s most urgent challenges as under the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, including climate, health and sustainability.
Venue: The University of Sydney, Michael Spence Building (F23), Corner of Eastern Avenue and City Road, Camperdown NSW 2050 Google Maps
Acknowledgement of Country
Introduction and Welcome: 2032 Strategy
Stephen Phillips, Vice President Operations
Office of Global and Research Engagement
- Shaping the global engagement strategy for maximum impact: origins, key features and drivers, current pressures and future priorities
- What has the pandemic changed?
Amanda Sayan, Director Office of Global and Research Engagement
Coffee break
Student Experience: Industry and Community Projects for local and global engagement – Sydney Connect and MySydney
Richard Miles,
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education-Enterprise and Engagement
One Sydney Many People
- Shaping strategy and services for engagement with multiple local communities
Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver, Deputy Vice Chancellor Indigenous Strategy and Services
Sustainability at Sydney
David Schlosberg, Director, Sydney Environment Institute; Melissa Haswell, Professor of Practice in Environmental Wellbeing; Armando Aragon
Financial and Administrative Reform (AI Hub)
- Funding model – how it works?
Stephen Phillips, Vice President Operations;
Wayne Andrews, Chief Financial officer
University and Precinct Model
- Strategies to shape space and infrastructure, the drivers and the processes
- Optimisation for knowledge exchange for education and research
Greg Robinson, Chief University Infrastructure Officer
Key take-aways from the day
Alex Pellacani
Campus tour
Jane Oakshotte
End of visit and return to hotels
Joint Dinner with DVC Corporate Group
Joint Seminar HUMANE and Universities Australia (DVC Corporate Group, Deputy Vice-Chancellors – Corporate)
Universities Australia acts as the voice of its 39 member universities to advocate the social, economic and cultural values of higher education in Australia and the world. The joint seminar is an opportunity for good practice exchanges and conversations between the Australian Universities Group of Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Corporate) and HUMANE members. Exchanges will focus on key trends in higher education, big challenges and potential future developments.
VENUE: Australian Catholic University (ACU), Peter Cosgrove Centre, Tenison Woods House, 8-20 Napier Street, North Sydney NSW 2060. This is on ACU’s North Sydney Campus. Google Maps
Welcome and Introduction
- Australian Universities, Group of Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Corporate)
- HUMANE, Europe’s international network of higher education professionals
Fiona Notley, Chair, Group of Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Corporate); Chief Operating Officer, Curtin University; Alex Pellacani
Australian Higher Education
- Addressing grand challenges in society
- Recent developments in policy and funding
- Current priorities, opportunities and challenges
- Geopolitical challenges in the world: Australian university responses
Stephen Weller, Chief Operating Officer, Australian Catholic University
The European Higher Education Area: key trends and initiatives
- Addressing grand challenges in society
- EU Higher Education policies: stimulating changes at system and institutional levels (European strategy for universities; the New Innovation Agenda; European University Initiatives)
- Geopolitical challenges in the world: European university responses
Stephan Van Galen, Secretary General, University of Groningen
Coffee break
Australian and European Perspectives: The changing roles and positions of Heads of Administration in Universities
Craig Knox Lyttle, Principal, Nous Group; Nadine Burquel
Australian and European Perspectives: Transforming physical infrastructures, making large digital transformations in universities
- Service delivery (staff and students)
- Teaching & Learning
- Research
Nicole Gower, Vice President, Professional Services, Macquarie University; Ritva Dammert, Director, University of Helsinki
Australian and European Perspectives: Dealing with cybersecurity and data governance
Derek Cordwell, Director, Administrative Division, Queensland University of Technology; Mike Nachtegael, Chief Academic Administrator, Ghent University
Australian and European Perspectives: Creating societal impact
Michelle Crosby, Chief Operating Officer, Charles Sturt University; Alistair Jarvis, Pro Vice-Chancellor Partnerships and Governance, University of London
Key take-aways and close of the programme
Fiona Notley, Chair, Group of Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Corporate); Chief Operating Officer, Curtin University; Alex Pellacani
Close of the programme
Please note that this programme may be subject to marginal change in terms of precise timings between sessions and the final order in which speaker’s session take place.
Important information:.
Neither HUMANE nor the Australian Catholic University are liable for any losses, accidents or damage to persons or objects during the HUMANE Study Visit in Sydney. Participants attending the HUMANE Study Visit in Sydney do so at their own risk and responsibility.