Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

Study Visit Southeast Asia Registration


When you have submitted your registration you will receive an automatic acknowledgment by email in your inbox within minutes. If you do not receive that email please re-register and contact the secretariat.

Participants will be notified in the late spring 2025 whether a place can be allocated on the programme. We advise not to book any flights or make any other travel arrangements before then.

Register for the HUMANE Study Visit to Southeast Asia 2025

(Mr, Ms, Dr, Prof, etc)
Staff from HUMANE Member Institutions and Residential School Alumni benefit from the members rate of €3,950. Non HUMANE Members will be charged € 4,450. Non HUMANE Members may attend if they meet the following criteria: they are from a higher education institution that delivers degree programmes in at least two of the three Bologna cycles (BA, MA, doctorate). Non-member applications are subject to review before acceptance. The Secretariat will apply the correct rate.
Please indicate any special instructions your university requires for invoicing, such as a Purchase Order number, staff/department code, etc.