Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

HUMANE Webinar

Equity in international university partnerships – Unlocking collaborative advantages

April 4, 12:00-13:15 CEST

(For HUMANE members only)

The world is not lacking declarations of equity in international partnerships. Yet the rationale for seeking equity goes much beyond that it is the ethical thing to do. 

Understanding equity in international partnerships is a fundamental step in moving from  transactional towards transformational partnerships to deliver shared values for all partners in collaborative initiatives: multiple universities located in different parts of the world, non-university higher education institutions, private and non-profit organisations of a different scale, size or profile.        

This HUMANE online webinar aims to:  

  • Expand your thinking around what is meant by equity in international partnerships and how it can be evaluated
  • Build understanding of how partnership equity can unlock global and local collaborative advantages

During this session we will explore a range of dimensions to expand your thinking around equity in university partnerships, not only focusing on the Global South – Global North partnerships but looking more broadly at a variety of asymmetric partnerships.  We will also explore approaches to using evaluation to understand equity.

There will be three presentations, facilitated data crowdsourcing and dialogue to illuminate diverse perspectives on evaluation and equity.  Practical resources will be highlighted that participants can immediately use in their jobs.

Speakers will include:

  • Dr Lynda Murray, UK Representative for the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Dr Conor Snowden, Head of International Research Engagement, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Dr Johanna Kolhinen, Head of Research Services, University of Helsinki, Finland

The webinar is free and exclusively for HUMANE Members and Residential School Alumni. Save the date and register here.