Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

HUMANE Annual Conference

Performance Unleashed: Co-creating High Value for Stakeholders

Conference Chair: Leon van de Zande, Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL

All times EEST

Wednesday, 4 June 2025

Venue: University of Helsinki, Main building, Small festive hall, 4th floor





Residential School Alumni Steering Committee meeting (14:00-16:00) 

HUMANE Board meeting (14:00 – 15:30)

HUMANE General Assembly meeting (16:00 – 17:00)

These meetings are by invitation only


Registration (coffee available) 


HUMANE Welcome and Introduction

Leon van de Zande, Conference Chair; Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL; Alex Pellacani, HUMANE President; Director General University of Trento, IT; Nadine Burquel, HUMANE Director General, BE


Welcome to the University of Helsinki

Sari Lindblom, Rector, University of Helsinki, FI


Shaping the future: creating societal change through collaboration

Atte Jääskeläinen, President of the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra); previous Director General, Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Education and Culture, FI


Icebreaking Session

Tiina Kosunen, Head of Conferences & Events, Communications & Community Relations, University of Helsinki, FI


Networking Session

Thursday, 5 June 2025

Venue: Aalto University, Dipoli building, Kaleva hall, 2nd floor





Welcome to Aalto University

Ilkka Niemelä, President, Aalto University, FI


Keynote: New approaches to drive institutional performance – fostering inclusive innovation

Orla Feely, President, University College Dublin; President, CESAER Network of Universities in Science and Technology, IE


Respondents / Discussants:


Bruno Hensler, Director of Administration, University of St. Gallen, CH; Stephan van Galen, Director General/Secretary General, University of Groningen, NL  


Coffee break


Two Workshops: 

  • Workshop 1: Future/Living Labs
    • Antti Ahlava, Professor in Emergent Design Methodologies and leader of Group X at Aalto University, FI

    • Ville Jokela, Managing Director of Aalto University Campus & Real Estate, Alto University, FI

Moderated by Marianna Bom, Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI


  • Workshop 2: European University Alliances contributing to societal development

One Masterclass: Freedom of speech on Campus – How Heads of Administration ensure the safety of students, academics and professional service staff? (restricted to HUMANE Heads of Administration): 

  • Riika Mäki-Ontto, HR & Service Director, University of the Arts Helsinki, FI
  • Tiina Kosunen, Head of Conferences & Events, Communications & Community Relations, University of Helsinki, FI




Delivering Open Science and Open Innovation

Frank Miedema, Former Vice-Rector of Research, Emeritus Professor, Utrecht University, NL


Three Workshops:

Workshop 1: Remodelling professional services (for Residential School Alumni Network only)


  • Antti Savolainen, Director of Administrative Services, University of Helsinki, FI

Moderated by Margit Nothnagl, Administrative Director, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, SE; HUMANE Residential Schools Alumni Steering Committee Chair and Erkki Raulo, Head of Services, Researcher Training, University of Helsinki, FI 


Workshop 2: Communicating science and facilitating dialogues with society


  • Tobias Maier, Trainer, NaWik (German National Institute for Science Communication), DE

Moderated by Klaus Rümmele, Head of International Affairs Business Unit (INTL), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE


Workshop 3: HR and Talent Management for Open Science and Innovation


  • Pastora Martínez Samper, International Action, Universitat Oberta de  Catalunya; coordinator, OpenEU European University Alliance; member, coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), ES

Moderated by Karen Vandevelde, HR Director, Antwerp University, BE


Coffee break 


Collaboration between academic and professional leadership to deliver innovations at Aalto University 

Kristiina Mäkelä, Provost; Marianna Bom, Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI


Co-creation with external stakeholders: An example from the creative sectors

Anu Lampela, Director of the Open Campus; Board member, University of the Arts Helsinki, FI


Key takeaways of the day

Leon van de Zande, Conference Chair; Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL; Alex Pellacani, HUMANE President; Director General University of Trento, IT


Short campus tour Aalto University: the campus as competitive advantage


Departure for hotels


Conference Dinner

Friday, 6 June 2025

Venue: University of Helsinki, Main building, Small festive hall, 4th floor





Keynote: The purpose driven university: Its positive contribution to responsible and sustainable developments

Jane McFadyen, Head of College and Pro Vice Chancellor, University of the Arts London, UK


What do multinational companies expect from universities?  


Coffee break


Sustainability at the University of Helsinki: The contribution of the University to society

Esa Hämäläinen, Director of Administration; Riina Koivuranta, Head of Responsibility & Wellbeing, University of Helsinki, FI


Closing remarks

Leon van de Zande, Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL; Nadine Burquel, HUMANE Director General, BE


Closing lunch

Note: the programme is subject to marginal change.

Important information:

HUMANE and Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and the University of the Arts Helsinki fully intend to deliver the Annual Conference in Helsinki. If however, restrictions require it to be postponed, participants will be notified with as much notice as possible.

Neither HUMANE or Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and the University of the Arts Helsinki are liable for any losses, accidents or damage to persons or objects during the Annual Conference in Helsinki. Participants attending the Annual Conference in Helsinki do so at their own risk and responsibility.