HUMANE Annual Conference
The University of the future: People, values, organisation
Conference Chair: Marianna Bom, Chair HUMANE General Assembly; CFO, Aalto University, FI
Residential School Alumni Steering Committee meeting (14:00-16:00) (Room: Belle van Zuylenzaal)
HUMANE Board meeting (14:00 – 15:30) (Room: Vondelzaal)
HUMANE General Assembly meeting (16:00 – 17:00) (Room: Potgierzaal)
These meetings are by invitation only
Registration (coffee available)
Welcome (Room: Doelenzaal)
Nadine Burquel, HUMANE Director General, BE
Our Imaginary Universities (Room: Doelenzaal)
Paul Greatrix, HUMANE President; Registrar, University of Nottingham, UK
Leon van de Zande, Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL
Marianna Bom, Conference Chair; Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI
Icebreaking Session (Room: Doelenzaal)
Tiina Kosunen, Head of Conferences & Events, Communications & Community Relations, University of Helsinki, FI
Networking reception (Room: Foyer)
Formal University Welcome (Room: Doelenzaal)
Peter Paul Verbeek, Rector Magnificus, University of Amsterdam, NL
What should the University deliver in the future? (Room: Doelenzaal)
Anna Grotberg, EY-Parthenon Partner, Ernst & Young LLP, UK
Coffee break (Room: Foyer)
Two Workshops: Developing new narratives and delivering differently
- Workshop 1: What if we developed an attractive brand and value proposition for the University of the future? (Room: Potgierzaal)
- Remco Kouwenhoven, Director Alumni relations and Philanthrophy, Director Ubbo Emmius Fund, Groningen University, NL
- Jacobine Buizer-Voskamp, Managing Director strategic theme Dynamics of Youth, Utrecht University, NL
- Moderated by:
- Tiina Kosunen, Head of Conferences & Events, Communications & Community Relations, University of Helsinki, FI
- Oliver Schmidt, Head of International Cooperation and Projects, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
- Workshop 2: What if we focussed delivery on the wants and needs of society? (Room: Doelenzaal)
- Elisa Rosso, Director Innovation and Internationalisation, University of Turin, IT
- Thomas Achen, Senior Strategist at Faculty Office LTH, Lund University, SE
- Moderated by:
- Neil McGillivray, Chief Operating Officer, Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Moritz Bosse Biskup, Managing Director at Zentralbereich Neuenheimer Feld (ZNF), University of Heidelberg, DE
One Masterclass: Communication in crisis times (restricted to HUMANE Heads of Administration): (Room: Belle van Zuylenzaal)
- What if we enhanced our communication in crisis times when our values are tested?
Moderated by:
- Samantha Lancet Grant, Director of Communications, University College London, UK
- Stephan van Galen, Secretary General, University of Groningen, NL
Lunch (Room: Foyer)
The University of the future developing a modern workforce to deliver an ambitious strategic agenda: professional service transformation – Digitalisation, Artifical Intelligence, Partnerships. (Room: Doelenzaal)
Nic van Craen, General Manager, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
Three Workshops:
Workshop 1: Developing staff and retaining talents in the University of the future; leadership, partnership and professional career routes (for Residential School Alumni Network only) Workshop Programme (Room: Doelenzaal)
- Ian Wright, Director of Human Resources & Helen Barlow, Associate Director of Human Resources, The University of Sheffield, UK
- Will Chicken, Director of Professional Services, University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Developing staff through job-shadowing
- Elisa Rosso, Director Innovation and Internationalisation, University of Turin, IT
Moderated by:
- Bart van de Laar, Programme Leader International Affairs, Utrecht University, NL
- Neil McGillivray, Chief Operating Officer, Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK
Workshop 2: Workforce planning in the University of the future: skills from Humans and/or from AI? (Room: Potgierzaal)
- Arnold Boon, University Director, Copenhagen Business School, DK
- Riitta Silvennoien, Chief Human Resources officer, Aalto University, FI
Moderated by:
- Leon van de Zande, Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL
- Nadine Burquel, HUMANE Director General, BE
Workshop 3: Collaborative teams: Academic and management expertise for the University of the Future (Room: Belle van Zuylenzaal)
Moderated by:
- Karen Vandevelde, HR Director, University of Antwerp, BE
- Marjolijn De Clercq, Teamlead Talent Management, HR Department, Antwerp University, BE
- Marianna Bom, Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI
- Alex Pellacani, Director General, University of Trento, IT
Coffee break (Room: Foyer)
Living in exciting times: developing agile teams, organisations and leadership to embrace changes and the future (Room: Doelenzaal)
Robert Grey, Chancellor, University of Warsaw, PL
Key takeaways of the day (Room: Doelenzaal)
Marianna Bom, Conference Chair; Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI
Nadine Burquel, HUMANE Director General, BE
Departure for hotels
Boat to Conference Dinner For more information see resources webpage
Dinner hosted by the University of Amsterdam
Pioneering new business, financial and organisational models: approaches by alternative providers of higher education (Room: Doelenzaal)
Carlo Wesseling, Managing Director, 42 Network/Codam, NL
Moderated by:
Bruno Hensler, Executive Director of Administration | Resources & Services, Member of the President’s Board, University of St. Gallen, CH
Networking session: My takes and thoughts (Room: Doelenzaal)
Tiina Kosunen, Head of Conferences & Events, Communications & Community Relations, University of Helsinki, FI
Coffee break (Room: Foyer)
Pioneering new organisational models: Sharing services and resources for the University of the future. Learning from other sectors (Room: Doelenzaal)
Peer van Gurp, Senior Consultant, Food & hospitality concepts, Hospitality Group, NL
Moderated by:
Marianna Bom, Conference Chair; Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI
Mark Pel, Director Financial Shared Service Centre, University of Groningen, NL
The future of the Dutch higher education system: From now to 2040: The opportunities and the challenges (Room: Doelenzaal)
Elmer Sterken, Former Rector Magnificus of the University of Groningen, NL
Closing remarks (Room: Doelenzaal)
Marianna Bom, Conference Chair; Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University, FI
Nadine Burquel, HUMANE Director General, BE
Leon van de Zande, Secretary General, University of Amsterdam, NL
Closing lunch (Room: Foyer)
Note: the programme is subject to marginal change.
Important information:
HUMANE and the University of Amsterdam fully intend to deliver the Annual Conference in Amsterdam. If however, restrictions require it to be postponed, participants will be notified with as much notice as possible.
Neither HUMANE or the University of Amsterdam are liable for any losses, accidents or damage to persons or objects during the Annual Conference in Amsterdam. Participants attending the Annual Conference in Amsterdam do so at their own risk and responsibility.