HUMANE is governed by two bodies, the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
General Assembly
Each European country with members in HUMANE has at least one place on the General Assembly, as Sitting Member with the right to vote, and additional seats based on the numbers of members within any given country:
- A country with 8 to 23 members has the right to 2 seats
- A country with 24 to 39 members to 3 seats
- A country with 40 members to 4 seats
Europe is defined as EU Member States, EFTA countries and the UK. There is, for the time being, one single seat for the “outside Europe” clusters of member universities.
General Assembly (Sitting) Members are elected by colleagues within their country, for a three-year (renewable) term. The General Assembly holds its annual meeting in June, usually at the time of the annual conference, and its has one additional online meeting (in November/December).
The Chair of the General Assembly is Marianna Bom, Aalto University.
Board of Directors
The Board is made of a maximum of nine directors: the President and up to eight General Assembly (Sitting) Members who represent constituencies based on geographical country groupings.
The Board of Directors meets three times per year. It is currently made of:
- Alex Pellacani, University of Trento (HUMANE President)
- Marcin Dabrowski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Ulf Richter, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Caroline Söjberg, Uppsala University
- Marianna Bom, Aalto University
- Stephan van Galen, University of Groningen
To contact the General Assembly or the Board of Directors, please email the Secretariat